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ICMR - National AIDS Research Institute
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Designation : Scientist G
Division : Clinical Sciences
Email ID : [email protected], [email protected]
Area Of Interest : • Neurocognitive aspects in HIV/AIDS • Antiretroviral therapy • Operational Research
Completed and Ongoing Projects

Research Projects (Dr. Manisha Ghate, Scientist G)

Name of the research study



Clinical progression in HIV infected individuals (CPI)

Co-Principal investigator


RO1 study: Early HIV infection study



HIV incidence and participant retention study (HPTN 034)

Study Coordinator


Women and AIDS study



Pilot study to assess validity of HIV Dementia scale among HIV infected and uninfected individuals in Pune, India

Principal investigator


Feasibility study on HIV Dementia using a comprehensive battery in Pune, India

Principal investigator


Adolescent and Sexuality Study



Development of Long term on progressor cohort



NeuroAIDS in India

Co-Principal Investigator



Effect on HIV on cognitive aspects of children before and after ART initiation

Principal investigator


Characterization of cellular effector mechanism against HIV in cervicovaginal lavage among HIV infected women



HIV-TB consortium: Support programme for HIV-TB coinfection

Principal investigator


Effectiveness of ART in free ART centres in Pune city



Antibody Dependent Cellular toxicity: A new frontier in vaccine Development




Metabolic syndrome among People Living with HIV (PLWH) attending ART centre at Pune, India: a cross-sectional study



Ocular manifestations among People Living with HIV (PLWH) attending ART centre at Pune, India: a cross-sectional study

Principal investigator


Knowledge, Attitude and practices towards COVID-19 among People Living with HIV (PLHIV) attending ART centre at Pune, India: a cross-sectional study

Principal investigator


Cohorts for HIV resistance and Progression in HIV infected children and adults

Lead clinical investigator


Scaling up short course TB preventive regimen containing Isoniazid and Rifapentine given once-weekly for three months (3HP) among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and child contacts of sputum positive pulmonary TB patients in India: A demonstration project

Principal investigator

2021 –ongoing

Detection of anti-SARS-COV-2 IgG antibodies, neutralizing antibodies and T cell immune response among HIV infected individuals attending ART Centre at ICMR-National AIDS Research Institute, Pune

Principal investigator

2020 –ongoing

Study of genital Human papillomavirus infection in men: type-specific  distribution, risk determinants and natural history among HIV-positive men and HIV-negative men



Project to introduce improved tests for monitoring of response to anti-tuberculosis treatment in HIV/TB co-infected patients



Determination of role of Osteopontin (OPN) and galectine-9 as biomarkers in active pulmonary TB



A case control study to determine factors influencing epigenetic aging in HIV infection



COVAXINIMPLEMENTATIONPROTOCOL: Restricted Use in Emergency Situation in Clinical Trial Mode – Monitoring

Nodal person



Clinical Trials:

Phase I safety and preliminary acceptability study of nonoxynol-9 pessary as a vaginal microbicide in low risk women



A Phase I open-label study to assess the safety of repeated intravaginal doses of 0.5% PRO 2000/5 Gel (P) for 14 consecutive days between menses among sexually active HIV-uninfected women from Pune, India and to assess the acceptability of 0.5% PRO 2000/5 Gel (P) among sexually active HIV-uninfected women and men from Pune, India. (HPTN 047)



A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy Plus HIV Primary Care versus HIV Primary Care Alone to Prevent the Sexual Transmission of HIV-1 in Serodiscordant Couples (HPTN 052 study)



Prospective Evaluation of Anti-retroviral Combinations for Treatment Naive, HIV Infected Persons in Resource-limited Settings (PEARLS) (ACTG 5175)



Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)

CTU coordinator




Operations Research:

Retention of antiretroviral naïve patients registered in HIV care in a program clinic in Pune, India

Principal Investigator


Effectiveness of first ART among HIV infected individuals attending ART centres in Pune city



Assessment of feasibility of utilization of Early-Warning Indicators for monitoring of HIV Drug Resistance emergence for patients on first line ART in ART

Principal Investigator


Study on transfer outpatients in the ART centre

Principal Investigator


Cross sectional study on opted out patients in the ART centre

Principal Investigator


Ten years retention among HIV infected individuals in ART centre

Principal Investigator


Average time for development of virological failure requiring treatment switch tosecond line ART

Principal Investigator


Awards and Honours
  • Indo US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF)award for conducting workshop on ‘NeuroAIDS in India’, 2013
  • Coordinator and Faculty for ART Centre Medical Officers and Specialists training for the National ART programme (NACO) 2006-2011
  • Venus International Foundation Award for Distinguished scientist, 2017
  • Faculty for HIV / AIDS course, M.Sc. Virology, Pune University
  • Reviewer for ICMR Short Term Studentship (STS) programme
  • Reviewer for International Conferences abstracts
  • Reviewer for manuscripts in National and International Journals
  • Panel Member: State AIDS Clinical Expert Panel
  • Reviewer of PhD concept proposals
  • Member: Operations Research Group – COVID 19
  • Member: Local Advisory Research Committee of Multidisciplinary research unit of Armed Forces Medical College, supported by DHR, ICMR
Work Experience


Dr. Manisha Ghate is a clinician-researcher and worked in various national and international research studies and clinical trials in the capacity of Principal investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Coordinator and Co-Investigator. She is recipient of the Indo US Science and Technology Forum grant award on ‘NeuroAIDS in India: Present findings and future directions. She has provided clinical support to various institutional studies.

She is Nodal Officer of antiretroviral therapy center where around 3500 patients are accessing treatment, care and support at NARI and has led important operational research studies on effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy, retention of patients in treatment and early warning indicators and quality care indicators for HIV drug resistance in the national ART programme. The ART centre has been awarded as one of the four best centers in country under her leadership. She has contributed to National ART programme in terms of coordinating trainings for doctors.

She was Nodal officer at ICMR-NARI site for Maharashtra for COVAXIN implementation protocol: Restricted Use in Emergency Situation in Clinical Trial Mode – Monitoring. ICMR- NARI contacted around 5000 vaccine beneficiaries in February and March 2021 for data collection on adverse events after 1st and 2nd dose of Covaxin.

She has presented papers and abstracts in various national and international conferences and published 90 papers in journals, contributed to book chapter and reports. She is a recognized PhD guide, reviewer on ICMR Short Term Studentship (STS) programme, faculty for M. Sc Virology course and was on editorial board of national and international journals. She has made significant contributions in community awareness by taking research to the community through lectures, meetings and posters in local language.

Work Experience:





Scientist G


Till date

ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

Scientist F



ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

Scientist E



ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

Scientist D



ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

Scientist C



ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

Scientist B



ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune

List of Grant Recieved
Conference/Training/Workshop Attended

Conferences/Trainings/Workshops Attended

Trainings completed:

  • Coordination and Implementation of Clinical Research
  • Human Subject Protection Course conducted by CITI for AIDS Clinical Trial Group & HIV Prevention Trial Network
  • Neuropsychological test Battery (UCSD)
  • Indian Child Intelligence Test Battery (ICIT)


Number of Publications : 91
List of Publications
  1. V.Ghate, R.S.Paranjape. Theme Paper: 'Chemoprophylaxis after occupational exposure to HIV'. AIDS Research and Review 1999; 2: 139-143
  2. V.Ghate, S.M.Mehendale, B.A.Mahajan, R.Yadav, R.G.Brahme, A.D.Divekar, A.D. Divekar, R.S.Paranjape. 'Relationship between reported clinical conditions and CD4 counts in HIV infected persons in Pune, Maharashtra, India.' National Medical Journal of India 2000; 13: 183-7.
  3. R.Thakar, M.V.Ghate, and R.S.Paranjape. Collection of blood on filter paper; stability and validity study for HIV serology. Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol XXV, No.4, Oct.-Dec.2000 p 184-187
  4. Ghate MV, Divekar AD, Risbud AR, Thakar MR, Brahme RG, Mehendale SM. Changing trends in clinical presentations in referred human immunodeficiency virus infected persons in Pune, India. J Assoc Physicians India. 2002 May; 50(5): 671-3.
  5. Mehendale S, Bollinger R, Kulkarni S, Stalling R, Brookmeyer R, Kulkarni S, Divekar A, Gangakhedkar R, Joshi S, Ghate M et al. Rapid disease progression in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Infected Seroconverters in India. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2002; 18: 1175-79.
  6. Joshi S, Joglekar N, Ghate M, Unni J, Risbud A, Bentley M, Shepherd M, Bollinger R, Mehendale S. Phase I safety and preliminary acceptability study of nonoxynol-9 pessary as a vaginal microbicide in low risk women in Pune, India. Indian J Med Res 2003; 117: 152:7
  7. Steven J. Reynolds, Arun R. Risbud, Mary E. Shepherd, Jonathan M. Zenilman, Ronald Brookmeyer, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Anand D. Divekar, Raman R. Gangakhedkar, Manisha V. Ghate, Robert C. Bollinger, and Sanjay M. Mehendale. Recent herpes simplex virus type 2 infection and the risk of HIV-1 acquisition in India. Journal of Infectitious Diseases, 2003; 187: 1513-1521.
  8. Risbud A, M.Pereira, S. Mehendale, R. Gangakhedkar, Ghate, S.Joshi, R. Bollinger. Lack of Evidence of sexual transmission of Hepatitis C virus in patients attending STD clinics in Pune, India. Sexually Transmitted Infection 2003; 79: 424-29.
  9. Mary E. Shepherd, Raman Gangakhedkar, Seema Sahay, Steven J. Reynolds, Manisha V. Ghate, Arun Risbud, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Robert C. Bollinger, and Sanjay M. Mehendale. Incident HIV infection among men attending STD clinics in Pune, India: Pathways to disparity and Interventions to enhance equity. J Health Popul Nutr 2003; 21(3): 251-263.
  10. Kairon R, Kulkarni S, Godbole S, Mehendale S, Ghate M, Risbud A, Barucha K & Paranjape R. Fluconazole resistant non-albicans vaginal yeast in HIV seronegative women with vaginal discharge in Pune, India. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. July 2004; 8(4): 251-256
  11. Riedel, M. Ghate, M. Nene, S. Mehendale, R. Bollinger, N. Sacktor, J. McArthur, A. Nath Screening for HIV dementia in an HIV -infected   population in India. J Neurovirol 2006 Feb; 12(1);34-8
  12. SM Mehendale, MV Ghate, B Kishore Kumar, S Sahay, TR Gamble, SV Godbole, MR Thakar, SS Kulkarni, A Gupta, RR Gangakhedkar, AD Divekar, AR Risbud, RS Paranjape, RC Bollinger. Low HIV-1 incidence among married serodiscordant couples in Pune, India. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. March 2006 ; 41(3);371-3.
  13. V. Ghate, S.P. Tripathy, B. Kishore Kumar, S.V. Godbole, A.Chittake, P. Nyayanirgune, R.R. Gangakhedkar, A.D. Divekar, M. R. Thakar, A.R. Risbud, R.C. Bollinger, S.M. Mehendale Rate of hospitalization and inpatient care costs for HIV-1 Infected Patients in Pune, India.. Natl. Med. J India 2006 Jan-Feb; 19 (1): 10-4
  14. Amita Gupta, Shruti Mehta, Sheela V Godbole, Seema Sahay, Louise Walshe, Steven J Reynolds, Manisha Ghate, Raman R Gangakhedkar, Anand D Divekar, Arun R Risbud, Sanjay M Mehendale, Robert C Bollinger. Same-sex behavior and high rates of HIV among men attending sexually transmitted infection clinics in Pune, India, 1993-2002. JAIDS 2006; 43: 483-90
  15. Reynolds SJ, Risbud AR, Shepherd ME, Rompalo AM, Ghate MV, Godbole SV, Joshi SN, Divekar AD, Gangakhedkar RR, Bollinger RC, Mehendale SM. High rates of syphilis among STI patients are contributing to the spread of HIV-1 in India. Sex Transm Infect. 2006; 82: 121:6.
  16. Brahme R, Mehta S, Sahay S, Joglekar N, Ghate M, Joshi S, Gangakhedkar R, Risbud A, Bollinger R, Mehendale S. Correlates and Trend of HIV Prevalence Among Female Sex Workers Attending Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics in Pune, India (1993-2002). J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006; 41: 107-113
  17. Ghate MV, Tripathy SP HIV and gastric disease. Physician’s Digest. 2006 Vol 15, Issue 3, 25-32.
  • Godbole, S., & Ghate, M. (2006).Issues in managing and coordinating clinical research in India. Research Practitioner, 7(6), 219-220.
  1. Samir K Lakhashe, Smita S Kulkarni, Madhuri R Thakar, Manisha V Ghate and Ramesh S Paranjape. Extensive cross-reactive neutralizing antibody response in Indian patients with limited genetic diversity of HIV-1.Virology, 2007, 15: 295-301
  2. Mehendale SM, Gupte N, Paranjape RS, Brahme RG, Kohli R, Joglekar N, Godbole SV,Joshi SN, Ghate MV, Sahay S, Kishorekumar B, Gangakhedkar RR, Risbud AR, Brookmeyer RS and Bollinger RC. Declining HIV Incidence among Patients Attending Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Pune, India. JAIDS, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007; 45(5): 564-569
  3. Ghate M, Deshpande S, Tripathy S, Nene M, Gedam P, Godbole S, Thakar M, Risbud A, Bollinger R, Mehendale S. Incidence of common opportunistic infections in HIV-infected individuals in Pune, India: analysis by stages of immunosuppression represented by CD4 counts. Int J Infect Dis. 2009 Jan; 13(1):e1-8. Epub 2008 Jul 3.
  4. Seema Sahay, Manisha Ghate, Sanjay Mehendale. Managing HIV therapy literacy in resource-limited setting. HIV Therapy, July 2009, Vol. 3, No. 4, Pages 339-344.
  5. Meera S, Madhuri T, Manisha G, Ramesh P. Irreversible loss of pDCs by apoptosis during early HIV infection may be a critical determinant of immune dysfunction. Viral Immunology 2010 Jun;23(3):241-9
  6. Ghate M, Deshpande S, Tripathy S, Godbole S, Nene M, Thakar M, Risbud A, Bollinger R, Mehendale S. Mortality in HIV infected individuals in Pune, India. Indian J Med Res. 2011 Apr;133(4):414-20
  7. Sahastrabuddhe S, Gupta A, Stuart E, Godbole S, Ghate M, Sahay S, Gangakhedkar R, Risbud A, Divekar A, Bollinger R, Mehendale S. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Risk Behaviors among Transgender persons (Hijras) of Pune, India. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Sep 20.
  8. Cohen MS,Chen YQMcCauley MGamble THosseinipour MCKumarasamy NHakim JGKumwenda JGrinsztejn BPilotto JHGodbole SVMehendale S,Chariyalertsak SSantos BRMayer KHHoffman IFEshleman SHPiwowar-Manning EWang LMakhema JMills LAde Bruyn GSanne IEron JGallant J,Havlir DSwindells SRibaudo HElharrar VBurns DTaha TENielsen-Saines KCelentano DEssex MFleming TRHPTN 052 Study Team. Prevention of HIV-1 infection with early antiretroviral therapy. N Engl J Med. 2011 Aug 11; 365(6):493-505. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1105243. Epub 2011 Jul 18.
  9. Rujvi Kamat, Manisha Ghate, Tamar H. Gollan, Rachel Meyer,Florin Vaida, Robert K. Heaton, Scott Letendre, Donald Franklin, Terry Alexander,Igor Grant, Sanjay Mehendale, Thomas D. Marcotte. Effects of Marathi-Hindi bilingualism on neuropsychological performance. J Int Neuropsychol Soc.2012 Mar;18(2):305-13. doi: 10.1017/S1355617711001731. Epub 2011 Dec 30.
  10. Manisha Ghate, Thomas Marcotte. Neuropsychology of HIV in India. INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIAISON COMMITTEE BULLETIN Number 27, Spring 2011. ISSN 1939-3911 (print) 1939-392X (online)
  11.   Paranjape Ramesh S, Thakar Madhuri R,  Ghate Manisha V, Godbole Sheela V.  Current Status of Research on HIV Epidemic, Pathogenesis, Management and Prevention in India . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: biological Sciences ISSN 2250-1746 2012, vol. 82, no1, pp. 167-180.
  12.   Ghate Manisha. Neurocognitive studies in India. NARI bulletin. 2012
  1. Neelam S. Joglekar, Swapna S. Deshpande, Seema Sahay, Manisha V. Ghate, Robert C. Bollinger and Sanjay M. Mehendale. Correlates of lower comprehension of informed consent among participants enrolled in a cohort study in Pune, India. Int Health 2013; 5: 64–71
  2. Mane AKulkarni SGhate MRisbud AThakar M. HIV-1 RNA shedding in the female genital tract is associated with reduced quantity of Lactobacilli in clinically asymptomatic HIV-positive women. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013 Jan; 75(1):112-4.
  1. Ghate M,Tripathy SGangakhedkar RThakar MBhattacharya JChoudhury IRisbud ABembalkar SKadam DRewari BBParanjape R.Use of first line antiretroviral therapy from a free ART programme clinic in Pune, India - a preliminary report. Indian J Med Res. 2013 May; 137(5):942-9.
  2. Myres W Tilghman,Jayanta BhattacharyaSuprit DeshpandeManisha GhateStephen EspitiaIgor GrantThomas D MarcotteDavey SmithSanjay Mehendale. Genetic attributes of blood-derived subtype-C HIV-1 tat and env in India and neurocognitive function. J Med Virol. 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23816.
  3. Thakar M,Patil RShukre SBichare SKadam PKhopkar PGhate MParanjape R. Genital TGF-beta1 levels in HIV infected Indian women are associated with reduced levels of innate anti microbial products and increased HIV shedding." AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Jul; 30(7):648-53. doi: 10.1089/AID.2013.0030. Epub 2014 Mar 13.
  4. Manisha Ghate. WHO 2013: The State-of-ART Treatment and Prevention Guidelines. NARI Bulletin. ISSN 2278-6694. Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2013, pages 5-7
  5. Nita Mawar, Smita Kulkarni, Manisha Ghate. “Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation,” the theme of 25th Observance of World AIDS Day in 2013. ICMR Patrika
  6. Rewa Kohli, Suvarna Sane, Manisha Ghate, Ramesh Paranjape. Coping strategies of HIV-positive individuals and its correlation with quality of life in Pune, India. International Social Work(2014): 0020872813519658.
  7. Ghate MV, Zirpe SS, Gurav NP, Rewari BB, Gangakhedkar RR, Paranjape RS. Retention of antiretroviral naïve patients registered in HIV care in a program clinic in Pune, India. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2014;35:124-8
  8. Grinsztejn B, Hosseinipour MC, Ribaudo HJ, Swindells S, Eron J, Chen YQ, Wang L, Ou SS, Anderson M, McCauley M, Gamble T, Kumarasamy N, Hakim JG, Kumwenda J, Pilotto JH, Godbole SV, Chariyalertsak S, de Melo MG, Mayer KH, Eshleman SH, Piwowar-Manning E, Makhema J, Mills LA, Panchia R, Sanne I, Gallant J, Hoffman I, Taha TE, Nielsen-Saines K, Celentano D, Essex M, Havlir D, Cohen MS;HPTN 052-ACTG Study Team. Effects of early versus delayed initiation of antiretroviral treatment on clinical outcomes of HIV-1 infection: results from the phase 3 HPTN 052 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2014 Apr;14(4):281-90. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70692-3. Epub 2014 Mar 4. Erratum in: Lancet Infect Dis. 2014 Apr;14(4):269.
  9. Manisha Ghate, Harshita NarkhedeGirish RahaneAmit NirmalkarNitin GaikwadDileep Kadam. Cognitive Function among HIV Infected Children in Pun Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 30 Nov 2014, 82(6):515-518.
  10. Ghate, M., Zirpe, S. ,Gurav, N. , Paranjape, R. , Rewari, B. and Gangakhedkar, R. (2014) Transfer out Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy from Programme Clinic: A Potential “Leak” in the HIV Treatment Cascade.World Journal of AIDS, 4, 382-386.
  11. Supriya D. Mahajan, Srikanth Tripathy, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Asmita Gaikwad, Jyoti Pawar, Manisha Ghate, Ramesh Paranjape, R.R.Gangakhedkar. Antiretroviral therapy and genetic predisposition: Cofactors contributing to the lipodystrophy syndrome. Vol.6(7), pp. 138-147 , August 2014. DOI: 10.5897/JAHR2014.0298 
  12.  Mahajan SDGaekwad APawar JTripathy SGhate MBhattacharya JSingh HOSchwartz SAParanjape RGangakhedkar R. Cardiac Morbidity in an HIV-1 Lipodystrophy Patient Cohort Expressing the TNF-α-238 G/A Single Nucleotide Gene Polymorphism.  Curr HIV Res. 2015;13(2):98-108.
  1. Manisha V. Ghate,Thomas D. MarcotteHrishikesh D. RangnekarRachel MeyerMaiko SakamotoSanjay M. Mehendale. Depressive Symptoms in Spouses of HIV Infected Individuals: A Study of HIV Uninfected Caregivers in Pune, India. OJPsych,  5 No.1, January 2015       
  2.  Ghate MMehendale SMeyer RUmlauf ADeutsch RKamat RThakar M, Risbud              A, Kulkarni SSakamoto MAlexander TFranklin DLetendre SHeaton RK,     Grant I, Marcotte TD. The effects of antiretroviral treatment initiation on cognition in HIV-infected individuals with advanced disease in Pune, India. J Neurovirol. 2015 Aug;21(4):391-8.
  3.   Santosh Karade, Sudhanshu Pandey, Sheetal Gianchandani, Swarali N. Kurle, Manisha Ghate, Nitin S. Gaikwad, Bharat B. Rewari, and Raman R. Gangakhedkar. Near Full-Length Genomic Characterization of a Novel CRF 01_AE/C Recombinant from Western India. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Dec;31(12):1269-73. 
  4.  Manisha Ghate, Dileep Kadam, Nilam Gurav, Bharat Rewari, Raman Gangakhedkar. Hypersensitivity reactions in HIV infected individuals after substitution of antiretroviral drug regimen: Need for Pharmacovigilance in the National program. Volume 63. Journal of Association of Physicians. October 2015.
  5.   Manisha Ghate, Dileep Kadam, Nitin Gaikwad, Subramanian Shankar, Shraddha Gurav, Girish Rahane, Sukarma Tanwar, Bharat Rewari, Raman Gangakhedkar. HIV Drug resistance Early Warning Indicators and Quality Care in India: Preliminary findings from a Pilot Study in Pune city. WHO South East Asia Journal of Public Health. Volume 4, Issue 2, July—December 2015, 123-29.
  6.   Karade S, Patil AA, Ghate M, Kulkarni SS, Kurle SN, Risbud AR, Rewari BB, Gangakhedk ar RR.  Short Communication: Limited HIV Pretreatment Drug Resistance Among Adults Attending Free Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic of Pune, India. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Apr; 32(4):377-80. doi: 10.1089/AID.2015.0277. Epub 2016 Jan 7.
  7.   Singh HMarathe SNain S2Nema VAngadi MBapat SPawar JGhate MSahay SGangakhedkar RR. Coding region variant 186H/R in Exon 4 of APOBEC3G among individuals of Western India. APMIS. 2016 May;124(5):401-5. doi: 10.1111/apm.12517. Epub 2016 Feb 8.
  8.   Singh HOLata SAngadi MBapat SPawar JNema VGhate MVSahay SGangakhedkar RR. Impact of GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 gene polymorphism and risk of ARV-associated hepatotoxicity in HIV-infected individuals and its modulation. Pharmacogenomics J. 2017 Jan;17(1):53-60.
  9.   HariOm SinghShruti D MaratheVijay NemaManisha V GhateRaman R Gangakhedkar. Genetic variation of MMP-2(-735 C>T) and  MMP-9(-1562 C>T) gene in risk of development of HAND and severity of HAND. J Gene Med 2016 Sep;18(9):250-7                                 
  10. HariOm SinghShruti D MaratheSumitra NainVijay NemaMansa ngadiShradha S BapatManisha V GhateRaman R Gangakhedkar. Impact of variants of MMP-7 (-181A>G) gene in suceptibity to the development of HIV- associated neurocognitive disorders and its severity. APMIS 2016 Nov 19;124(11):966-972. Epub 2016 Aug 19.
  11.   Karade SK, Ghate MV, Chaturbhuj DN, Kadam DB, Shankar S, Gaikwad N, Gurav S, Joshi R, Sane SS, Kulkarni SS, Kurle SN, Paranjape RS, Rewari BB, Gangakhedkar RR. Cross-sectional study of virological failure and multinucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance at 12 months of antiretroviral therapy in Western India. Medicine (Baltimore).2016 Sep;95(37):e4886. 
  1. Cohen MS, Chen YQ, McCauley M, Gamble T, Hosseinipour MC, Kumarasamy N, Hakim JG, Kumwenda J, Grinsztejn B, Pilotto JH, Godbole SV, Chariyalertsak S, Santos BR, Mayer KH, Hoffman IF, Eshleman SH, Piwowar-Manning E, Cottle L, Zhang XC, Makhema J, Mills LA, Panchia R, Faesen S, Eron J, Gallant J, Havlir D, Swindells S, Elharrar V, Burns D, Taha TE, Nielsen-Saines K, Celentano DD, Essex M, Hudelson SE, Redd AD, Fleming TR; HPTN 052 Study Team. Antiretroviral Therapy for the Prevention of HIV-1 Transmission. N Engl J Med. 2016 Sep 1;375(9):830-9.
  2. Vandana Saxena,Shubhangi BichareDharmendra SinghManisha GhateSheela GodboleSmita S KulkarniRaman R GangakhedkarRamesh S ParanjapeMadhuri Thakar. Low immune activation is associated with higher frequencies of central memory T cell subset in a cohort of Indian long term non progressors . AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2017 Feb;33(2):121-125.
  3. Ashwini Shete,Poonam SuryawanshiChetan ChavanArchana KulkarniSheela GodboleManisha GhateMadhuri Thakar. Development of IFN-gamma secretory ELISPOT based assay for screening of ADCC responses.  J Immunol Methods. 2017 Feb;441:49-55. 
  4. Kulkarni S, Jadhav S, Khopkar P, Sane S, Londhe R, Chimanpure V, Dhilpe V, Ghate M, Yelagate R, Panchal N, Rahane G, Kadam D, Gaikwad N, Rewari B, Gangakhedkar R. GeneXpert HIV-1 Quant, a tool for monitoring the success of ART programme in developing countries. BMC Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 21;17(1):506.
  5. Santosh Karade, Smita S Kulkarni , Manisha Ghate, Ajit Patil, Rajkumar Londhe, Sonali Salvi, Dileep Kadam, Rajneesh Joshi, Bharat B Rewari and Raman R Gangakhedkar. Antiretroviral resistance following immunological monitoring in a resource-limited setting of western India: A cross-sectional study. Setting PLoS One.2017 Aug 1;12(8):e0181889.
  6. Kulkarni, A., Kurle, S., Shete, A., Ghate, M., Godbole, S., Madhavi, V. Thakar, M. (2017). Indian Long-term Non-Progressors Show Broad ADCC Responses with Preferential Recognition of V3 Region of Envelope and a Region from Tat Protein. Front Immunol. 2017; 8: 5
  7. Singh D, Ghate M, Godbole S, Kulkarni S, Thakar M. CD1d-Restricted Natural Killer T Cells Are Preserved in Indian Long-Term Nonprogressors. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 Aug 1;75(4):e104-e112
  8. Nehul S, Kulkarni A, Pawar S, Godbole S, Ghate M, Thakar M. Cross-reactive

   influenza-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity-mediating antibodies 

   in HIV-infected Indian individuals. Infect Dis (Lond). 2018 Jan;50(1):35-43.

  1. Singh H, Marathe SD, Nain S, Samani D, Nema V, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR. Promoter polymorphism MMP-1 (-1607 2G/1G) and MMP-3 (-1612 5A/6A) in development of HAND and modulation of pathogenesis of HAND. J Biosciences. 2017 Sept; 42(3): 481-490.
  2. Mane A, Angadi M, Vidhate P, Bembalkar S, Khan I, Bichare S, Ghate M, Thakar M. Characterization of vaginal lactobacilli from HIV-negative and HIV-positive Indian women and their association with genital HIV-1 shedding. J Med Microbiol. 2017 Oct;66(10):1471-1475.
  3. Madhavi V, Kulkarni A, Shete A, Lee WS, Mclean MR, Kristensen AB, Ghate M, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Parsons MS, Kelleher A, Cooper DA, Amin J, Emery S, Thakar M, Kent SJ; ENCORE1 Study Group. Effect of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy on HIV-1-specific Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Responses in Subtype B- and Subtype C-Infected Cohorts. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 Jul 1;75(3):345-353.
  4. Dharmendra Singh, Manisha Ghate, Sheela Godbole, Smita Kulkarni, Madhuri Thakar.  Functional invariant Natural Killer T cells secreting cytokines are associated with non-progressive HIV-1 infection but not with suppressive ART. 
    Frontiers in Immunology. Front Immunol. 2018; 9: 1152.
  5. Saxena V, Ghate M, Bichare S, Khan I, Majumdar R, Angadi M, Kulkarni S, Paranjape R, Thakar MR. Increased degranulation of immune cells is associated with higher cervical viral load in HIV infected women. 2018 Sep 10;32(14):1939-1949.
  6. Singh H, Samani D, Nema V, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR. IL-1RN and IL-1β Polymorphism and ARV-Associated Hepatotoxicity. Mediators Inflamm. 2018 Apr 8;2018:4398150.
  7. Singh H, Samani D, Nambiar N, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR.

Effect of matrix metalloproteinase-21 (572C/T) polymorphism on HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. APMIS. 2018 Apr;126(4):329-336.

  1. Kohli RM, Mehendale S, Brahme R, Bollinger B, Chidrawar S, Ghate M, Joglekar N, Sahay S. How Reliable and valid are the self-reports on sexual behavior among HIV discordant couples from Pune, INDIA. Psychol Health Med. 2018 Jan - Dec; 23 (sup1) :1333-1340.
  2. Jayshree Dhande, Mansa Angadi, K.G. Murugavel, S. Poongulali, Paneerselvam Nandagopal, Ramachandran Vignesh, Manisha Ghate, Smita Kulkarni, and Madhuri Thakar. The Anti–HIV-1 ADCC-Mediating Antibodies From Cervicovaginal Secretions of HIV-Infected Women Have an Ability to Mediate Lysing of Autologous CD4+ HIV-Infected Cells. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018;79:277–282.
  3. Singh HSamani DGhate MVGangakhedkar RR. Impact of cellular restriction gene (TRIM5α, BST-2) polymorphisms on the acquisition of HIV-1 and disease progression. J Gene Med.2018 Feb;20(2-3):e3004.
  4. Singh HSamani DNambiar NGhate MV,  Gangakhedkar RR. Prevalence of MMP-8 gene polymorphisms in HIV-infected individuals and its association with HIV-associated neurocognitive Gene.2018 Mar 10; 646:83-90.
  5. Manisha Ghate , Sandip Patil , Sunil Zirpe , Shraddha Gurav , Vinita Verma , Manish Bamrotiya , Radhay Shyam Gupta , Kuldeep Singh Sachdeva , Raman Gangakhedkar Ten year retention among HIV infected individuals initiated on ART in a programme clinic at Pune, India: Analysis by changes in the national guidelines for ART initiation. The Indian Practitioner q Vol.71 No.4. April 2018. Page 19-25
  6. V.Kadam, M.V.Ghate, V.Chinchkar, S.G.Gurav and R.R.Gangakhedkar,(2018). Use of Herbal Drugs and its Effect on CD4 Count in HIV Infected Individuals Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Pune. SSRG International Journal of Medical Science5(8), 4-8.
  7. Jumare JEl-Kamary SSMagder LHungerford LUmlauf AFranklin DGhate MAbimiku ACharurat MLetendre SEllis RJMehendale SBlattner WARoyal W 3rdMarcotte TDHeaton RKGrant IMcCutchan JA. Brief Report: Body Mass Index and Cognitive Function Among HIV-1-Infected Individuals in China, India, and Nigeria. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 Feb 1;80(2):e30-e35.
  8. Dhande JSalunke PKulkarni AGhate MThakar M. Non-progressive HIV-1 infection is associated with expansion of IL 21R expressing class-switched memory B cells". AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses.2019 Aug;35(8):729-733
  9. Godbole S, Ghate M, Mehendale S. Understanding the diversities in Kaposi’s sarcoma. Indian J Med Res 2019;149:319-21
  10. Ghate M, Zirpe S, Shidhaye P, Gurav S, Rao A, Verma V, Bamrotiya M, Sachdeva KS, Gupta RS, Gangakhedkar R. A Retrospective Study of Characteristics of HIV Infected Individuals Opting Out from Antiretroviral Treatment under National Programme. J Krishna Inst Med Science Univ. 2019 Jul-Sep; 8(3):19-26.
  11. Ashwini Shete, Swarali Kurle, Sampada Dhayarkar, Ajit Patil, Smita Kulkarni,Manisha Ghate, Shashikala Sangle, Uttam Medhe, Shobini Rajan, Vinita Verma, Raman Gangakhedkar. High IL-5 levels possibly contributing to HIV viremia in virologic non-responders at one year after initiation of anti-retroviral therapy. Microbial Pathogenesis. Volume 143, June 2020
  12. Ashwini Shete, Shubhangi Bichare, Vishwanath Pujari, Rashmi Virkar, Madhuri Thakar, Manisha Ghate, Sandip Patil, Annapurna Vyakarnam,Raman Gangakhedkar, Gaowa Bai, Toshiro Niki and Toshio Hattori. Elevated levels of Galectin-9 but not Osteopontin in HIV and tuberculosis infections indicate their roles in detecting MTB infection in HIV infected individuals." Front. Microbiol., 17 July 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.01685
  13. Sneha Talathi, Rajani Bagul, Manisha Ghate, Smita Kulkarni, Madhuri Thakar. Higher baseline ADCC responses in chronic non-progressive HIV infection are associated with HIV control in later course of disease. Viral Immunol. 2020 Mar; 33(2):77-85. doi: 10.1089/vim.2019.0137. Epub 2020 Jan 23.
  14. Ashwini Shete, Sampada Dhayarkar, Ashwini Dhamanage, Smita Kulkarni,  Manisha Ghate, Shashikala Sangle, Uttam Medhe, Vinita Verma, Shobini Rajan, Toshio Hattori & Raman Gangakhedkar. Possible role of plasma Galectin-9 levels as a surrogate marker of viremia in HIV infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. AIDS Res Ther (2020) 7:43 https:// doi.org/ 10.1186/ s12981-020-00298-9
  15. Srabanti Rakshit, Nitin Hingankar, Shuba Varshini Alampalli, Vasista Adiga, Bharath K. Sundararaj, Pravat Nalini Sahoo, Greg Finak, Anto Jesuraj UK J, Chirag Dhar, George D’ Souza, Rashmi Govind Virkar, Manisha Ghate, Madhuri Thakar, Stephen C. De Rosa, Tom HM Ottenhoff, Ramesh Paranjape, Annapurna Vyakarnam. HIV Skews a Balanced Mtb-Specific Th17 Response in Latent Tuberculosis Subjects to a Pro-inflammatory Profile Independent of Viral Load. Cell Rep 2020 Dec 1; 33(9) : 108451.  doi: 10.1016 /j. celrep. 2020.108451
  16. Dhande JR, Saikia K, Singh DP, Bagul RD, Kulkarni SS, Ghate MV, Thakar MR. Higher frequencies of functional HIV-envelope-specific memory B cells are associated with nonprogressive HIV infection in Indian population. AIDS. 2020 Sep 1;34(11):1603-1608.
  17. Ghate M, Shidhaye P, Deoraj P. Mitigating Risk of COVID-19 Transmission at Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Centres in India. J Krishna Inst Med Sci Univ 2020; 9(3):107-110
  18. Ghate, M., Gogate, P., Phadke, S., Shaikh, G., Shidhaye, P., Gurav, S., Gadhe, K., Bhusnawar, M., Mane, A., & Panda, S. Ocular manifestations and refractive errors among people living with HIV in Pune, India: a cross-sectional study. J Int Med Res. 2021;49(7):3000605211026814.
  19. Ghate MV, Shidhaye PR, Gadhe KR, Gurav SG, Deoraj P. Knowledge, attitude and practices towards COVID-19 among people living with HIV in Pune, India: a cross sectional study. Int J Res Med Sci 2021;9:1458-65
  20. Pallavi Shidhaye, Nilima Lokhande, Smita Kulkarni, Shraddha Gurav, Pramod Deoraj, Manisha Ghate. Virological failure among HIV infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy in Pune, India: a cross-sectional study. Int J Adv Med. 2021 Aug; 8(8):1193-1200. http://www.ijmedicine.com
  21. Manisha GhatePallavi Shidhaye , Shraddha Gurav , Keshav Gadhe , Varsha Kale , Preeti Jain , Madhuri Thakar. Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies among HIV Infected Individuals Attending ART Centre at Pune: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. Jan-Dec 2022;21