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ICMR - National AIDS Research Institute
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Designation : Scientist E
Division : Molecular Biology
Email ID : [email protected], [email protected]
Area Of Interest : Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Diagnostics, Metagenomics
Completed and Ongoing Projects
Awards and Honours


  • Awarded OAR-Sponsored scholarship to attend the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017), on 23-26 July 2017 at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France.
  • Selected through the competitive application procedure under a call for proposals for participation in a workshop under the Indo-U.S. Joint Working Group on Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Held in Delhi from 10th to 11th Dec 2015.
  • First Prize in Paryaywachi competition under Hindi Rajbhasha activity at NARI. 2015.
  • Invited to be a panelist during the one day campaign workshop on “Anti-Microbial Resistance: Situation, Needs and Priorities in India” at Venture Center, Pune on 29th August 2015
  • First Prize in Assay Writing competition under Hindi Rajbhasha activity at NARI. 2014.
  • Invited by the organizers of “2nd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial genomics” for being a part of organizing committee and chairing a session. Held at Las Vegas in September 2013 (could not attend).
  • Selected for a three months Training Program in Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University, USA under a training grant from the Fogarty International Centre of NIH. (Worked with Dr. Jens Meiler from19 May to17 Aug 2012).
  • First Prize in Assay Writing competition under Hindi Rajbhasha activity at NARI. 2010
  • Best poster award 47th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India, 2006.
  • Best paper award, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Molecular Biology. Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, Gwalior, India. 2006.
  • Best Poster award, 45th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India, 2004.
  • Research Fellowship of DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, 2002.
  • CSIR-National Eligibility Test (Lectureship)
  • Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering -2001





Work Experience

Working as Scientist ‘E’ at ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Pune. Joined as Scientist ‘’C in Feb2009

  • In-charge, Division of Molecular Biology.
  • Conservation pattern of existing and new targets of drugs in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Whole genome sequencing based approach to find mechanism of drug resistance in M.tb.
  • Metagenomic analysis of patient samples for screening and impact assessment of microbial populations.
  • Molecular diagnostics of AIDS related infections.


Post Doctoral Fellow at Computational Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University. May 2012-August 2012.

  • Fogarty international postdoctoral fellowship for short term training.
  • Protein structural biology and docking.


Worked as Post Doctoral Fellow at Institute of Life Sciences, Hyderabad. June 2007-Jan2009

  • New drug discovery and vaccine development against tuberculosis.
  • Anticancer compound screening using various cell lines.
  • Screening antiinfective agents using various bacterial pathogens.
  • Screening newer targets for antibacterial drug design.


Assistant Professor: College of Life Sciences, CHRI, Gwalior Nov 2006-Apr2007

  • Assistant Professor, Biotechnology at College of life Sciences, Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Taught Biotechnology to B.Sc and M.Sc students and guided a few dissertations.


Senior Research Fellow at Defence R & D Establishment: Nov 2004-Nov 2006

  • Developed an ELISA based diagnostic system for enterotoxin B.
  • Superantigenicity alleviation of enterotoxin B through site-directed mutagenesis.


Junior Research Fellow at Defence R & D Establishment: Nov.2002- Nov2004.

  • Characterized a large number of environmental and clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholerae.
  • Cloning and expression of enterotoxin B gene.
  • Optimized methods for purification of native and recombinant enterotoxin B.
  • Generation of antibodies in laboratory animals.


Research Scholar at Dept. of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Dr. H.S. Gour University Sagar: Nov 2001 to Oct 2002.

  • Screening of fungi for the isolation of species producing pharmaceutically important polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Taught various topics of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology to post-graduate students.


Trainee at TERI, The Energy and Resources Institute (Formerly: Tata Energy Research Institute): July – Aug. 2000.

  • Microbial degradation of chlorinated pesticide-Endosulfan. A bacterial consortium was developed for the degradation of endosulfan to its non-toxic components.


List of Grant Recieved

Project grants from ICMR, DHR and AYUSH (NIN)

Conference/Training/Workshop Attended


  • Two days online training on electrical systems-Audits, Maintenance and Safety” organized by National Productivity Council from 28-29 July 2021.
  • Training on “Agilent Aria Mx Realtime PCR” held at National AIDS Research Institute, PUNE on Monday 11th May, 2020
  • Completed the course on “GFR, GeM & e-Procurement” as organized by Institute of Government Accounts & Finance, Min. of Finance, Regional Training Centre, Mumbai from 20th -21st Jan 2020.
  • 9th Training Programme on “Science Technology & Emerging Trends in Governance” for Scientists & Technologists (October 21-25, 2019) at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
  • Workshop on Ethical guidance for Biomedical Research at ICMR-NARI, Pune from 17-18th Jan 2019.
  • One day symposium on “Bench to Bedside” NCE Development at Cipla Ltd., Mumbai On 4th of Oct 2018.
  • Two day workshop on “Application of AMD in public health partners in India” at National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai, India held on Aug 18th and 19th, 2017.
  • Training on “Current Regulatory Requirements for Members of Institutional Ethics Committees” at National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), University of Pune, on February 11 - 12, 2015.
  • Training program on “Schedule Y and clinical trial regulations” organized by ethical research initiatives at the National AIDS Research Institute, Pune on 3rd Feb 2015.
  • Workshop on “Preparedness & Diagnosis of Ebola” Organized by the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune 26th November -30th November 2014
  • “Introduction to Forensic Science” conducted by the Nanyang technological university through Coursera online system. Nov 2014
  • Workshop on “Basic Perl for Life Sciences” at NCL innovation park under Biosakshat from 7-9Aug 2014.
  • Bioinformatics workshop on “454 Sequencing, Genomics and Resolving Bioinformatics Challenges” held at New Delhi on 22-23 April, 2013.
  • GCLP and Assay Validation training at Regional Training Event, Le Meridian -Pune, India conducted by PPD and DAIDS from 10-13May 2010.
  • Vanderbilt-NARI-NIE bioinformatics workshop on 20 April 2010 at NITVAR, Pune.
  • “ICGEB-IUBMB Workshop ‘Human RNA Virus’” International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India Feb 2010.
  • “Indo-German Workshop on Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases” University of Hyderabad, India. Nov 2008.
  • Basic Training in Recombinant DNA Technology and PCR” Bangalore Genei, Bangalore, India. 2005.
  • Protein Purification and Immunotechniques.” Bangalore Genei, Bangalore, India. 2005.
  • Recent Advances in Diagnostic Virology” at DRDE Gwalior, India 2005.
  • Recombinant DNA Technology and Molecular Detection Techniques” DRDE Gwalior, India. 2003.


  • Delivered an invited guest lecture in international webinar on “21st Century: Research Innovations in Life Sciences in Relation to Human Welfare” organized by Dept. of Botany and Zoology, Govt. Autonomous Girls P.G. College of Excellence, Sagar, M.P. on the topic “Microbiome: an organ to be studied by modern science and to be correlated with old ones” on 21st July 2020.
  • Delivered an invited guest lecture under DBT-STAR college scheme at Prof. RamKrishna More College, Pune on the topic “Updates in HIV research” on 16th March 2019.
  • Delivered an invited guest lecture in National Seminar on, "Biodiversity of Environmental allergens and its impact on human health," on Microbiome connection of allergic diseases”, held at Taywade College, Mahadula-Koradi,Nagpur on 9th Feb 2019.
  • Delivered an invited lecture entitled “Microbial Forensics: An emerging science “ in Regional Seminar on Microbiome In Health And Disease sponsored by Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences at Symbiosis University, Pune on 28 Sept 2018.
  • Delivered an invited guest lecture at Dr. D.Y.Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune on “Microbiome: A world within a body on 20th April 2018.
  • Delivered a session as guest speaker at NIN under an awareness program on HIV and Naturopathy. Spoke on "Relavance of Naturopathy in HIV" on 04/12/2017
  • Delivered an invited talk on Metagenomics: Unearthing the unseen at Bilaspur University, National Conference On Recent Advances In Biotechnology & Biofuels September 12-13, 2016
  • Participated in a two day symposium on Next Generation Sequencing organized by CCMB and Bioserve Biotechnologies (India) Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad from 5-6 May 2016.
  • Participated in the international conference on Combating Anti-Microbial Resistance: Public Health Challenge and Priority, New Delhi. 23nd to 25th February, 2016.
  • Invited as a speaker in “Microbial Diversity: Interactions of Microbes In Complex Environment” (MDIMCE-2014) Organized by Department of Microbiology, Arts and Science collegepulgaon, Distt- Wardha, Maharashtra  held on 10th January 2014.
  • Participated in workshop on “Pathogen Diversity- Exploiting Pathogen Genetics for New Control Strategies” on March 6-7, 2013 in ICGEB Campus, Aruna Asif Ali Marg, New Delhi.
  • Delivered an invited talk on Gut Metagenomics- Exploring the world inside you and me: Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Pune 2013
  • Delivered a talk on Gut Metagenomics at Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai in Feb 2013 during 6th Science Expo.
  • Galvanizing Evidence for HIV Management: A Consultative Meeting. NARI, Pune, January 27-29, 2011.
  • Delivered a talk “ HIV, Science and Adolescents” under popular science lecture at Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai in Jan 2011 during 5th Science Expo.
  • Translational Research in HIV/AIDS in India (TRAI)’ meeting held at Goa January 12-14, 2011.
  • International Symposium on TB Diagnostics: Innovating to Make an Impact. ICGEB, New Delhi

December 16 - 17, 2010

  • ‘Introduction to Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP)’ by Dan Ozaki, CAVD/CA-VIMC Central QAU Manager at NARI, Pune, India on 3rd Feb 2010.
  • ‘Over expression: Systems and Challenges’ IV Annual Conference of Biotechnology Society of India. Held at CCMB, Hyderabad, from 26th to 28th Nov 2006.
  • National seminar on Present status of microbiology and challenges for sustainable development. Held at Dept. of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P., from 5th to 7th March 2001.
Number of Publications : 38
List of Publications
  • Sushama Jadhav, Vijay Nema, "HIV-Associated Neurotoxicity: The Interplay of Host and Viral Proteins", Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2021, Article ID 1267041, 11 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/1267041 (IF:4.71)
  • Waghmode R, Jadhav S and Nema V* (2021) The Burden of Respiratory Viruses and Its Prevalence in Different Geographical Regions of India: 1970–2020. Front. Microbiol. 12:723850. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.723850 (IF: 06)
  • Sharvari Jyotiram Devkar, Vinod Dattarao Patange and Vijay Nema (2021) Atropine: A new perspective on prophylactic and therapeutic management of COVID-19. Radiol Diagn Imaging 4 DOI: 10.15761/RDI.1000171. (IF:1.03)
  • Pankaj Shrivastava, Toshi Jain, Vijay Nema, Mahendra K. Gupta, Naveen Kango, Pradeep K. Singhal, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, R.K. Kumawat, Can alcohol kill harmful microbes from our skin?, Gene Reports, Volume 24, 2021, 101207, ISSN 2452-0144, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.genrep.2021.101207. (IF:3.91)
  • Hari Om Singh, Kamini Jakhar, Vijay Nema, Asha Krishnaraj and Ranjana Choudhari, “Effect of miRNAs, proinflammatory cytokines and ACE2 in COVID-19 pathophysiology”, Coronaviruses (2021) 2: 1. https://doi.org/10.2174/2666796702666210303114330
  • Dubey A, Singh V, Doharey PK, Sk MP, Samanta SK, Nema V, Sharma B, Varadwaj PK, Sahoo AK. Modulating catalytic activity of human topoisomerase II α enzyme by fluorescent gold nanoclusters. Int J Biol Macromol. 2021 Feb 15;170:523-531. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.12.129. Epub 2020 Dec 30. PMID: 33387542. (IF=8.025)
  • Singh H, Choudhari R, Nema V, Khan AA. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphisms in various diseases with special reference to its impact on COVID-19 disease. Microb Pathog. 2021 Jan;150:104621. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104621. Epub 2020 Dec 2. PMID: 33278516; PMCID: PMC7709597.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104621(IF=3.74)
  • Khan AA, Nema V, Khan Z. Current status of probiotics for prevention and management of gastrointestinal cancers. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2021 Mar;21(3):413-422. doi: 10.1080/14712598.2021.1828858. Epub 2020 Oct 9. PMID: 33034210. (IF=5.59)
  • Nema V. (2020) Utility and Possibility of Next-Generation Sequencing in Forensic DNA Typing. In: Shrivastava P., Dash H.R., Lorente J.A., Imam J. (eds) Forensic DNA Typing: Principles, Applications and Advancements. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6655-4_24
  • Gupta, A., Sinha, P., Nema, V. et al. Detection of Beijing strains of MDR M. tuberculosis and their association with drug resistance mutations in katG, rpoB, and embB genes. BMC Infect Dis 20, 752 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-020-05479-5 (IF=3.67)
  • Jadhav S. & Nema V*. Analysis of genetic diversity of HIV-1 nef gene from individuals with HIV associated dementia. BMC infectious diseases. May 2020 Vol. 20 Suppl. 1 ISSHID Abstract-144. https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-020-05038-y (IF=3.67)
  • Gupta A, Sinha P, Rathod S, Shanmugam SK, Uma Devi K R, Anupurba S, Nema V*. Genotype analysis of ofloxacin-resistant multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in a multicentered study from India. Indian J Med Res 2020;151:361-70 (IF=5.274)
  • Vijay Nema. The Role and Future Possibilities of Next-Generation Sequencing in Studying Microbial Diversity, Editor(s): Surajit Das, Hirak Ranjan Dash, Microbial Diversity in the Genomic Era, Academic Press, 2019, Pages 611-630, ISBN 9780128148495, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814849-5.00034-4
  • Nema V. Microbial Forensics: Beyond a Fascination. In: Dash H., Shrivastava P., Mohapatra B., Das S. (eds) DNA Fingerprinting: Advancements and Future Endeavors. Springer, Singapore. 2018, Pages 295-306, ISBN 978-981-13-1582-4, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-1583-1_17
  • Nema V., Dhas Y., Banerjee J., Mishra N. Phytochemicals: An Alternate Approach Towards Various Disease Management. In: Rani V., Yadav U. (eds) Functional Food and Human Health. Springer, Singapore. 2018, Pages 623-653, ISBN 978-981-13-1122-2, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-1123-9_27
  • HariOm Singh, Dharmesh Samani, Vijay Nema, Manisha V. Ghate, and R. R. Gangakhedkar, “IL-1RN and IL-1β Polymorphism and ARV-Associated Hepatotoxicity,” Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2018, Article ID 4398150, 13 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/4398150 (IF:4.71)
  • Sudhir Kumar Pal, Sanjit Kumar, Vijay Nema*. In silico Structural and dynamical characterization of Probable arabinosyl transferase B (EmbB) mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2017. Journal of proteins and proteomics, Vol 8, JPP78, P133. (Abstract publication)
  • Jain T, Nema V. Gupta M.K., Kango N., Dash H.R., Shrivastava P. Molecular characterization of selected bacterial flora from forensic case exhibits. Rom J Leg Med. 2017. 25:244-250 (IF 0.36)
  • Nema V. ​Gut flora and its impact on pathogenesis of various studies. Satyalakshmi K, Pradeep M.K, Salwa H (eds.) Text book on Clinical Naturopathy and Yoga. National Institute of Naturopathy, India. 2017:737. ISBN9788193467206
  • Gupta A, Pal SK, Pandey D, Fakir NA, Rathod S, Sinha D, SivaKumar S, Sinha P, Periera M, Balgam S, Sekar G, UmaDevi KR, Anupurba S, Nema V*. PknB remains an essential and a conserved target for drug development in susceptible and MDR strains of M. Tuberculosis. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2017 Aug 18;16(1):56 (IF 6.78)
  • Singh H, Marathe SD, Nain S, Samani D, Nema V, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR. Promoter polymorphism MMP-1 (-1607 2G/1G) and MMP-3 (-1612 5A/6A) in development of HAND and modulation of pathogenesis of HAND. J Biosciences. 2017 Sept; 42(3): 481-490 (IF 2.795)
  • Banerjee J, Nema V, Dhas Y, Mishra N. Role of MicroRNAs in Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Vascular Complications. Biochimie. 2017 Aug;139:9-19 (IF 4.372)
  • Vijay Nema* and Hari Om Singh (2017) Host Pharmacogenomics: to be Remembered while Planning a Cure for HIV. BAOJ Hiv 3: 022.
  • Singh H, Lata S, Nema V, Samani D, Ghate M, Gangakhedkar RR. CYP1A1m1 and CYP2C9*2 and *3 polymorphism and risk to develop ARV-associated hepatotoxicity and its severity. APMIS. 2017 Jun;125(6):523-535 (IF 2.225)
  • Gupta A, Nema V (2017) Imminent Weapons in the Field of Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Management. J intern Med Prim Healthcare 2: 005 (IF 1.25)
  • Singh HO, Lata S, Angadi M, Bapat S, Pawar J, Nema V, Ghate MV, Sahay S, Gangakhedkar RR. Impact of GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 gene polymorphism and risk of ARV-associated hepatotoxicity in HIV-infected individuals and its modulation. Pharmacogenomics J. 2017 Jan;17(1):53-60 (IF: 2.638)
  • Vaidya KA, Kadam AV and Nema V*. Anti-Retroviral Drugs for HIV: Old and New. Austin J HIV/AIDS Res. 2016; 3(2): 1026. (IF: 1.9)
  • Sushama Jadhav and Vijay Nema*. (2016); A review on challenges in the development of multiplex assay for quantitative estimation of viral pathogens Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (9). 1102-1110 (IF: 5.336)
  • Anamika Gupta, Vijay Nema and Shampa Anupurba. Detection of Beijing genotype of MDR M. tuberculosis by targeting Rv2820 gene and their association with drug resistance mutations in katG, rpoB and embB, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:4(Suppl) (IF:2.81)
  • Singh H, Marathe SD, Nema V, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR. Genetic variation of MMP-2(-735 C>T) and MMP-9(-1562 C>T) gene in risk of development of HAND and severity of HAND. J Gene Med. 2016 Sep;18(9):250-7 (IF 4.15)
  • Singh H, Marathe SD, Nain S, Nema V, Ghate MV, Gangakhedkar RR. APOBEC3B deletion impacts on susceptibility to acquire HIV-1 and its advancement among individuals in western India. APMIS. 2016 Oct;124(10):881-7 (IF 3.43)
  • Singh H, Marathe S, Nain S, Nema V, Angadi M, Bapat S, Pawar J, Ghate M, Sahay S, Gangakhedkar RR. Coding region variant 186H/R in Exon 4 of APOBEC3G among individuals of Western India. APMIS. 2016 May;124(5):401-5. doi: 10.1111/apm.12517 . (IF 3.43)
  • Kundapur R. R. & Nema V*. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification: Beyond microbial identification. Cogent Biology (2016), 2: 1137110 (citations=14)
  • Vijay Nema (2015) Current Trends in AIDS Research. J Aids Trails 1: 100101
  • Rajesh R Kundapur and Vijay Nema* (2015); An economical and efficient method of post reaction cleanup of labeled dye terminator sequencing products Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (6). 787-791(IF: 5.336)
  • Nema (2015). Now we care to cure HIV. Editorial for Clinical Microbiology and Case Reports. Volume 1, Issue 2. 014e Available at http://scientonline.org/fulltext/now-we-care-to-cure-hiv/21158
  • Nema V. Microbiome, Immunity and HIV infection: is there a Link?. Austin J HIV/AIDS Res. 2014;1(1): 2. (IF: 1.9)
  • Vijay Nema. Gut Metagenomics. Asiatic J Biotechnology Resource 2014, MDIMCE Vol 4, Issue 3. (Publication of abstract under seminar proceedings in special issue). (IF 0.9)
  • Nema V, Nair R. Metagenomic analysis of diarrheal stool samples of HIV infected individual and HIV-uninfected individual using 16SrDNA sequencing. Indian J Med Microbiol 2014;32:347-8 (IF 1.347)
  • Gut not only feels but also speaks! J Microb Biochem Technol 2013, 5:4. (Publication of abstract under conference proceedings). IF: 2.5 (Unofficial)
  • Nema V., Pal S. K. Exploration of freely available web-interfaces for comparative homology modelling of microbial proteins. Bioinformation 9(15): 796-801 (2013) PMID: 24023424. IF 0.6; citations till May17=6
  • Nema V. Tuberculosis Diagnosis: Hurdles and Hopes. Online Publication available at http://www.siicsalud.com/dato/croin.php/132842 IF 0.018
  • Rao G, Das A, Prabhakar P, Nema V, Risbud A R. Alteration in sample preparation to increase the yield of multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction assay for diagnosis of genital ulcer disease. Indian J Med Microbiol 2013;31:15-8 PMID: 23508423 (IF 1.35)
  • Nema V. Rectification of artificial molecular recombination with the use of high fidelity enzyme in the amplification of 16S rDNA sequences from Stool sample. 2012. All Res. J. Biol., 2012, 3, 6-9. IF:1 (unofficial)
  • Nema V. Tuberculosis diagnostics: Challenges and opportunities. Lung India 2012; 29:259-66. PMID: 22919166. IF nil (Popular article; citations till May17=8)
  • Nema, V., Agrawal, R., Kamboj, D.V., Goel, A.K. and Singh, L. Isolation and characterization of enterotoxigenic heat resistant Staphylococcus aureus from a food poisoning outbreak in Indian subcontinent. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2007,117, 29-35. PMID: 17477998. IF 5.91; citations=82
  • Kamboj, D.V., Nema, V., Pandey, A. K., Goel, A.K. and Singh, L. Heterologous expression of Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (seb) gene for antibody productio Electronic Journal of Biotechnology [online]. Vol. 9 No. 5, Issue of October 15, 2006. Available at: http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/index.php/ejbiotechnology/article/view/v9n5-8/400. (IF 2.83)
  • Goel, A.K., Tamrakar, A.K., Nema,, Kamboj, D.V. and Singh, L. Detection of viable toxigenic Vibrio cholerae from environmental water sources by direct cell duplex PCR assay. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2005. 21: 973–976. (IF 4.25)

Special publication:

  • Vijay Nema. आंतरिक सूक्ष्मजीवी और हमारा स्वास्थ्य. Article published in Nisargopchar Varta, May 2018. A semi scientific magazine published by National Institute of Naturopathy.
  • Vijay Nema. HIV पर नियंत्रण:एक साझा प्रयास. Published in ICMR Patrika. Dec 2017. http://icmr.nic.in/bulletin/hindi/2017/ICMR%20Patrika%20December%202017.pdf
  • Pradeep MK Nair, Hyndavi Salwa, Satyalakshmi K, Vijay Nema, R.K.Mutatkar. A position paper of Yoga and Naturopathy in India Report from National Naturopathy Conclave. Published from National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune, 2017.
  • Publication of a semi-scientific article in Hindi entitled “क्या HIV का अंत निकट है?” in annual magazine of CCMB, Hyderabad, 2016, Issue 14, Page 15-17.

Publications in NARI Bulletin (ISSN 2278-6694)

Nema V. HIV-TB: What is required and where we are? NARI Bulletin. 2015, 6 (2), 4.

Nema V. It takes two to tango. Editor’s Pick. NARI Bulletin. 2014, 5 (1&2), 4.

Pandey D., Fakir NA, Nema V*. TMC 207, the first compound of a novel class of anti tuberculosis drugs in four decades. NARI Bulletin. 2013, 4(2), 8-9.

Nema V. Tuberculosis: A challenge and a priority. NARI Bulletin. 2013, 4(1), 7-10.

Nema V. Hopes at the horizon. Editor’s pick in NARI Bulletin. 2012, 3(3), 11.

Nema V. ‘Totally Drug Resistant' tuberculosis. NARI Bulletin. 2012, 3(1), 13-14.


Patent awarded: Kamboj, D.V, Nema, V., Singh L., Krishanamurthy S., Goel, A. K.  Process for the purification of single polypeptide chain protein. Application No: 2575/DEL/2007; Patent no. 284404. Application filed on: 07/12/2007; Date of grant: 21/06/2017.

Sequence submissions (220)

  • 2020: MT337374 to MT337383 (10)
  • 2018: MH758564……MH758691 (128)
  • 2017: KY292404; KY569425; KY569426; KY569427; KY569428; KY569429; KY569430; KY569431; KY569432; KY569433; KY569434; KY569435; KY575123; KY575124; KY575125; KY575126; KY575127; KY575128; KY575129; KY575130; KY575131; KY575132; KY575133; KY575134; KY575135; KY575136; KY575137; KY575138; KY575139; KY575140; KY575141; KY575142
  • 2016: Genbank KX029321; KX813816; KX813817; KX813818; KX813819; KX813820;  KX813821; KX813822; KX813823; KX813824
  • 2015: GenBank- KT906373; KT906675; KT906676; KT906677; KT906678; KT906679; KT906680; KT906681; KT906682; KT906683; KT906684; KT906685; KT906686; KT906687; KT906688; KT906689
  • 2012: GenBank JQ627622; JQ627623; JQ627624
  • 2010: GenBank HQ318717, HQ318718, HQ318719
  • 2006:GenBank- DQ997828, DQ997829, DQ997830, DQ997831, DQ997832, DQ997833, DQ997834, DQ997835, DQ997836, DQ997837, DQ535901, DQ535902, DQ630750, DQ630751, DQ630752, DQ630753,.
  • 2005: EMBL-EBI- AM158256,
  • 2004: GenBankAY852244
  • Papers/Posters presented in conferences
  • Amit Dubey, Amerthiya Sen, Vijay Nema* Identification of Possible Drug Treatment of Coronavirus Disease -19 (COVID-19) through pharmacophore-based Drug Repurposing Study. In International Conference on Disease Biology: Diagnostics and Therapeutics (DBDT-2020)4–6th March, 2020 at Department of Biotechnology Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune
  • Sneha Patki, Vijay Nema*. Exploration of drug resistance pattern in extended spectrum beta-lactamase antibiotics using culture independent technique. Presented in International conference on empowering society with microbial technology (ICESMT-2019), Baramati from 7-9 Feb, 2019.
  • Amit Dubey, Pritish Varadwaj and Vijay Nema* Interaction of CXCR4 with picroside I and picroside II of medicinal herb Picrorhiza Kurroa Royle ex benth investigated by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations Presented in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference Centro Congressi Università di Napoli, Naples, Italy, November 19-21, 2018
  • Vijay Nema, Toshi Jain, Mahendra K Gupta, Hirak Ranjan Dash, P. Shrivastava. Recovery and molecular characterization of Pontibacter indicus strain from human skin after spirit wash. Presented in International Conference on “Advances in Forensic DNA Technology ” held on 22 – 24 February, 2018
  • Sudhir Kumar Pal, Sanjit Kumar, Vijay Nema*. In silico Structural and dynamical characterization of Probable arabinosyl transferase B (EmbB) mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. P133, Poster presentation in National Conference on Protein Structure and Dynamics  in Health and Agriculture held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, from 3-4 Nov 2017.
  • Toshi Jain, Ramkishan Kumawat, Mahendra K Gupta,Vijay Nema and Pankaj Shrivastava. Even microbes can be an important tool in human identification and can be effective in Criminal Justice System. Poser and oral presentation at National Seminar on Microbes and Human Welfare held at Jaipur National University, Jaipur from 23-25th Sept 2017. (Best oral paper presentation award).
  • HariOm Singh, Vijay Nema*. Indications to study hepatotoxicity related gene polymorphism in HIV infected individuals. Poster presentation in 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017), held on 23-26 July 2017 at Paris, France.
  • Anamika Gupta, Vijay Nema and Shampa Anupurba. Detection of Beijing genotype of MDR tuberculosis by targeting Rv2820 gene and their association with drug resistance mutations in katG, rpoB and embB. Presented in Joint Event on 2nd World Congress on Infectious Diseases & International Conference on Pediatric Care & Pediatric Infectious Diseases August 24-26, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
  • Shruti D Marathe, R.R.Gangakhedkar, Vijay Nema, Manisha Ghate,Seema Sahay, Shradha Bapat, Mansa, Srikant Tripathi, Sheela Godbole, Jyoti Pawar, R.S Paranjape, HariOm Singh. Association of MMP-1 (-181A>G) and MMP-3(-1612 5A>6A) Promoter Polymorphisms and Risk for HIV progression. International symposium on Genomics in Health and disease and 40th annual conference of Indian society of Human Genetics 2015 to be held at Mumbai  P-79, 28-30 January 2015.
  • Shruti D Marathe, Sonam LataR.Gangakhedkar, Vijay Nema, Manisha Ghate,Seema Sahay, Shradha Bapat, Mansa, Srikant Tripathi, Sheela Godbole, Jyoti Pawar, R.S Paranjape, HariOm Singh. Genetic Variants of APOBEC3G-90C/G and -571G/C Polymorphism and Risk of acquiring HIV infection India International symposium on Genomics in Health and disease and 40th annual conference of Indian society of Human Genetics 2015 to be held at Mumbai  P-193, 28-30 January 2015
  • Gururaj Rao, Prabhakar, A. Das, Vijay Nema and Arun Risbud R. Sample preparation alteration enhances performance of the Multiplex PCR assay for diagnosis of Genital Ulcer Disease. In: Microcon 2010. Held on 26-28 November 2010, at Kolkata, India.
  • Vijay Nema, Ranu Agrawal, Dev Vrat Kamboj, Ajay Kumar Goel and Lokendar Singh. Food poisoning outbreak in Indian subcontinent: Isolation of heat resistant enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. In: Microbiology: The challenges ahead. 47th Annual Conference of the Association of the Microbiologists of India (AMI), 2006. pp 225. (Awarded best poster)
  • Ranu Agrawal, D.V. Kamboj, Vijay Nema, A.K. Goel and L. Singh. Development of detection system using antisera raised against over-expressed recombinant SEB. In, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Molecular Biology. Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, Gwalior, India. 2006. pp 27. (Awarded best paper)
  • Vijay Nema. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B: Gene Cloning and expression in coli and production of antibodies against it. In, XX M.P. Young Scientist Congress, Vikram University, Ujjain, India. 2005. pp 10.
  • Vijay Nema, Dev Vrat Kamboj, Ajay Kumar Goel and Lokendar Singh. Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B: A Comparative Evaluation of Purification Techniques. In: Microtech-2K4: 45th Annual Conference of the Association of the Microbiologists of India (AMI), 2004. pp 80.
  • Dev Vrat Kamboj, Vijay Nema, Arun Pandey, Ajay Kumar Goel and Lokendra Singh. Cloning and Expression of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Gene and its Suitability for Antibody Generation. In, Microtech-2K4: 45th Annual Conference of the Association of the Microbiologists of India (AMI), 2004. pp 20. (Awarded best poster)
  • Vijay Nema. Indian Sweets Harbouring Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus.’ In, XIX M.P. Young Scientist Congress, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar, India. 2004. pp 12.
  • Vijay Nema, D.V. Kamboj, Lokesh Nigam, A.K. Goel and Lokendra Singh. Survey of Indian foods for enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. In, National Symposium on Bioresources, Biotechnology and Bioenterprise, Osmania Unviersity, Hyderabad, India. 2003. pp 104.