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Dr. Sampada Dipak Bangar
Name : Dr. Sampada Dipak Bangar
Designation : Scientist E
Division : Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email ID : [email protected], [email protected]
Area Of Interest : -
Completed and Ongoing Projects
Awards and Honours


Work Experience

Work Experience

Post Held



Scientist D, Epidemiology &Biostatistics ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Bhosari, Pune Sep 2017 - till date
  Scientist C, Epidemiology &Biostatistics ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Bhosari, Pune Feb 2013 – Sep 2017
  Scientist B, Epidemiology &Biostatistics ICMR - National Institute Of Translation Virology And Aids Research (NITVAR) , Bhosari, Pune Feb 2009- Sep 2013
  Clinician(Research Scientist I) UHTC, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune Nov 2005-Jan 2009
  Lady Medical Officer   Jan 2005-Jun 2005


List of Grant Recieved

List of grants received


Title of Project


Funding Agency



Prevention of recurrence of bacterial vaginosis using Lactobacilli containing vaginal tablets (Flora-Balance) among HIV infected women treated with standard Metronidazole Therapy: A 12 months, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Phase IV study


Indian Council of Medical Research

Principal Investigator


India Hypertension Control Initiative: An Implementation Cum Research Project  


World Health Organization and Indian Council of Medical Research

Lead Investigator for Maharashtra state


National survey for the state wise prevalence of microbiologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in India


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health Research, India, Indian Council of Medical Research Global Fund and USAID through World Health Organization, India

Lead Investigator for Maharashtra and Goa


To study the feasibility of Oral TDF-containing PrEP, administered, once daily orally to men having sex with men (MSM) and transgender (TGs) in India   


Indian Council of Medical Research

Co-Principal Investigator 


Conference/Training/Workshop Attended

Conferences/Trainings/Workshops Attended

  1. Good Clinical Practices Training (CITI), basic and refresher
  2. Human Subjects Research Education Certificate Course (CITI), basic and refresher
  3. Universal precautions and bio safety
  4. Telemedicine Training Programme for Management of Adult HIV/AIDS in Resource Limited Settings: India, organized by B. J. Medical center & Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education from Apr 2006 – Jun 2006,
  5. Workshop on Good Clinical Practices (GCP) organized by the Indo-US Collaboration on 27-28 Sep 2007 at Delhi
  6. Genital Specimen Collection as a part of Training workshop on Microbicide Research at NARI- SGH clinic on 21 Feb 2008 by Dr. Susan Cu-Uvin from Brown University.
  7. Capacity Building Workshop on Operations Research in HIV/AIDS: Focusing Research Methodology from 16-20 November, 2009 at National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai
  8. TB Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention: Current Knowledge and Research Priorities (7 February 2010 – 28 March 2010).
  9. Distance-Based Education for International Study Coordinators Certificate Program from School of Nursing, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA (Jan 2010 – Jun 2010)
  10. CART 2010- Chennai ART Symposium on 9th and 10th January at Chennai. Organized by YRG Care Chennai
  11. Microbicides Society of India (MSI) Symposium on ‘The Challenges of Microbicides Research in India’ on Feb 11-12, 2010 at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi.
  12. DAIDS regional Training event organized by NIH at Hotel Le Meridian, Pune from May 10-15, 2010. This training event included Source Document and Essential Document Training, Advanced HSP/GCP: Investigator Responsibilities, advanced HSP/GCP: Working with your IRB: An Investigator’s Guide to Improving IRB/EC Relations, Advanced HSP/GCP: FDA Inspection Preparedness, Safety Workshop: The Basics andPutting Principles into Practice, Best Practices for Implementing the DAIDS Clinical Quality Management Plan Policy with a Focus on Key Indicators (CQMP).
  13. Consultative meeting ‘Galvanizing Evidence for HIV Management' on 27th to 29th Jan 2011 at NITVAR, Pune (Rapporteur for one of the tracks from the meeting: HIV-HPV)
  14. Capacity Building Workshop on ‘Ethical issues in HIV/AIDS Research’ organized by NACO and UNICEF between 13th -15th Sep 2011 at NARI, Pune
  15. ‘Research methodology Workshop’ for ICMR scientists from 31st Oct – 11th Nov, 2011 at National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai
  16. International Symposium on the Science of Probiotics, “Health Impact of Probiotics –Vision and Opportunities” on December 10 and 11, 2011 at Hotel The Leela, Mumbai
  17. Workshop on Qualitative Research in Public Health and Social & Behavioral Sciences at NARI between 24 and 27 October 2016 organized by National AIDS Research Institute in collaboration with C- ShaRP (Centre for Sexuality and Health Research and Policy)


Number of Publications : 10
List of Publications

List of Publications

  1. Incomplete functional T-cell reconstitution in immunological non-responders at one year after initiation of antiretroviral therapy possibly predisposes them to infectious diseases. Shete A, Dhayarkar S, Sangale S, Medhe U, Panchal N, Rahane G, Yelgate R, Dhamanage A, Gangakhedkar R. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019 Apr 1; 81:114-22.
  2. Correlates of domestic violence experience among recently-married women residing in slums in Pune, India.Kalokhe AS, Iyer SR, Kolhe AR, Dhayarkar S, Paranjape A, del Rio C, Stephenson R, Sahay S. PloS one. 2018 Apr 2; 13 (4):e0195152.
  1. Determinants of early discharge of mothers from hospitals after delivery in Beed block of Beed District, Maharashtra, India 2014Dnyaneshwar Nipte, Sampada Dhayarkar, Satish Pawar, S. Venkatsubramanian, Sanjay Mehendale; JKIMSU, Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June 2015
  1. Evaluation of Maternal Health Component of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) II Programme in Beed District, Maharashtra, India 2013 Dnyaneshwar Nipte,Sampada Dhayarkar, Satish Pawar, S. Venkatsubramanian, Sanjay Mehendale; Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 01/2015; 4(2):19-37.
  2. Investigation of acute Hepatitis E outbreak, Kolvan, Pune, Maharashtra, 2013Dhayarkar S, Chadha M, Tripathy A, Jadhav S, Deshmukh N, Mehendale S.Indian J Comm Family Med Jan-June 2015; 1(1): 45-50
  3. Optimizing adherence to antiretroviral therapy Seema Sahay, K. Srikanth Reddy, Sampada Dhayarkar Indian J Med Res Dec 2011; 34 (12): 835-849
  4. Effects of early versus delayed initiation of antiretroviral treatment on clinical outcomes of HIV‐1 infection: results from the phase 3 HPTN 052 randomised controlled trial Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 281 ‐ 290, April 2014 contributed as study team member, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Mina C Hosseinipour, Heather J Ribaudo, Susan Swindells, Joseph Eron, Ying Q Chen, Lei Wang, San‐San Ou, Maija Anderson, Marybeth McCauley, Theresa Gamble, Nagalingeshwaran Kumarasamy, James G Hakim, Johnstone Kumwenda, Jose H S Pilotto, Sheela V Godbole, Suwat Chariyalertsak, Marineide Gonçalves de Melo, Kenneth H Mayer, Susan H Eshleman, Estelle Piwowar‐ Manning, Joseph Makhema, Lisa A Mills, Ravindre Panchia, Ian Sanne, Joel Gallant, Irving Hoff man, Taha E Taha, Karin Nielsen‐Saines, David Celentano, Max Essex, Diane Havlir, Myron S Cohen, and the HPTN 052‐ ACTG Study Team.
  5. Prevention of HIV‐1 Infection with Early Antiretroviral Therapy.” New England Journal of Medicine 2011, 1056/NEJMoa1105243) July 18, 2011, at NEJM.org, contributed as study team member, Myron S. Cohen, M.D., Ying Q. Chen, Ph.D., Marybeth McCauley, M.P.H., Theresa Gamble, Ph.D., Mina C. Hosseinipour, M.D.,Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, M.B., B.S., James G. Hakim, M.D., Johnstone Kumwenda, F.R.C.P., Beatriz Grinsztejn, M.D., Jose H.S. Pilotto, M.D.,Sheela V. Godbole., Sanjay Mehendale, M.D., Suwat Chariyalertsak,M.D.,Breno R. Santos, M.D., Kenneth H. Mayer, M.D., Irving F. Hoffman, P.A.,Susan H. Eshleman, M.D., Estelle Piwowar‐Manning, M.T., Lei Wang, Ph.D.,Joseph Makhema,F.R.C.P., Lisa A. Mills, M.D., Guy de Bruyn, M.B., B.Ch.,Ian Sanne, M.B., B.Ch., Joseph Eron, M.D., Joel Gallant, M.D.,Diane Havlir, M.D., Susan Swindells, M.B., B.S., Heather Ribaudo, Ph.D.,Vanessa Elharrar, M.D., David Burns, M.D., Taha E. Taha, M.B., B.S.,Karin Nielsen‐Saines, M.D., David Celentano, Sc.D., Max Essex, D.V.M.,and Thomas R. Fleming, Ph.D., for the HPTN 052 Study Team
  6. Contribution of Social Science in Public Health: A Physician’s Perspective (IngeNIEous- Jun 13 issue, published online) Sampada Dhayarkar
  7. Project N-ARRIM, Satara District, Maharashtra Situational Analysis Report 2013, Seema Sahay, Amit Khandewale, Sampada Dhayarkar